A solid cylinder has surface area of 231cm2 Its curved surface area is 2/3 of the total surface area . Find the volume of cylinder

We are given,
Total surface area of cylinder = 231
 ------ (1)
Curved surface area
          ------ (2)
Substituting in equation (1), we get 

Substituting the value of r in equation (2), we get

Volume of cylinder is 

  • 7

 The total surface area of a solid cylinder is 231cm^2 and its curved surface area is two-thirds of the total surface area. Find the volume of the cylinder. (Take pi-22/7)

The total surface area of cylinder:
A = 2(pi*r^2) + (2*pi*r)*h = 231
Curved surface 2*pi*r*h given as 2/3 of the total
2(pi*r^2) would be 1/3 the total; which is 231/3 = 77
Flat ends area
2*(22/7)*r^2 = 77
(44/7)*r^2 = 77
r^2 = 77 * (7/44)
r^2 - 539/44
r^2 = 12.25
r = sqrt(12.25)
r = 3.5 cm is the radius
Find h from the curved area; given as 2/3(231) = 154
Substitute 3.5 for r
2*pi*3.5*h = 154
(44/7)*3.5* h= 154
(154/7)*h = 154
h = 154 * (7/154)
cancel 154
h = 7 cm is the height
We know the volume of cylinder = pi*r^2*h
V = (22/7)* 3.5^2 * 7
Cancel the 7
V = 22 * 12.25
V = 269.5 cu cm
  • 2
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