A stone of mass m is to be thrown to a height h
a) With what minimum velocity should it be thrown?
b)At what height does KE and PEbecome equal
c)Find the velocity at that height.

(a)Kinetic energy at the ground=Potential energy at height h12mv2=mgh12v2=ghv=2gh(b)LetH=Height at which KE and PE are equalPE=mgHKE=mgh-mgHmgH=mgh-mgH3mgH=mghH=h3(c)velocity at height H:v'2-v2=2-gHv'=v2-2gH    =2gh-2gH      =2gh-H

  • 0
2gh= u^2
u = √2gh (ans 1 )
  • 0
at H/2
  • 0
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