A stone projected from ground with certain speed at an angleθ with the horizontal attains max height h1. when it is projected with same speed at an angleθ with the vertical attains height H2. the horizontal range will be

Say the stone is projected with a velocity of  'v' in both the cases then in the first case:

also,  h1 = v2 sin2 θ2g or    v2 = 2h1gsin2 θ      ------(1) 


 h2 = v2 (sin (90-θ))22g or    v2 = 2h2gcos2 θ      ------(2)

Range1=v2 sin2θgalso, since projection in the secon case took place at an angle θ from the vertical it means it took place at an anlge (90-θ) from the horizontal:therefore, Range2 = v2 sin 2(90-θ)g = v2 sin(180-2θ)g = v2 sin2θg       -------(3)or, Range1 = Range2 = v2 sin2θg   

Now, since
Range1 = Range2 =  2h1g sin2θsin2 θ       (after substituting the value of v2 from (1))                                    =2h1g   2sinθcosθsin2 θ   = 4h1g   cosθsin θ  =  4h1g cot θ     ------(Ans(1))also, if we substitute the value of v2 from (2), then,Range1 = Range2 =  2h2g sin2θcos2 θ = 4h2g   sinθcos θ = 4h2g tanθ       --------(Ans (2))Both Ans(1) and Ans (2) are viable answers.                                                                             


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