a vegetable trader buys some tomatos and onions for Rs 420 such that the ratio of the totalw whight of tomatos to the totale waight of onions is 2:3 the toatle whight of the tomatos onions is 60 kg

.if the ratio of the totale price of tomatos  to the totale price onions 8:27 then what is the cost of 5 kg of totams and 5kg of onions

Hi Ayesha!
Here is the answer to your question.
 Weight of tomatoes: Weight of onions = 2:3
Sum of the parts = 2 + 3 = 5
Total weight of tomatoes and onions = 60 kg
Price of 5 kg onions = Rs 9 × 5 = Rs 45
Thus, the price of 5 kg of tomatoes and 5 kg of onions = Rs 20 + Rs 45 = Rs 65


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