A window of a house is h metres above the ground. From the window, the angles of elevation and depression of the top and the bottom of another house situated on the opposite side of the lane are found to be alpha and beta, respectively. Prove that the height of  the other house is h(1 + tan alpha * cot beta).

Let us observe the following figure.

The point of observation is at A.

The height of the window is h meters.

Thus, AB = CD = h meters

The top and bottom of another house in the opposite lane is E and C.

Therefore the angles of elevation and the depression are .

Consider the triangle ADE.



Now consider the triangle ABC.

From the figure, it is clear that AD = BC.

Thus, equation (2) becomes,

Substitute the value of AD from equation (3) in equation (1), we have

The height of the house is CE 

That is,

Substitute the value of ED from equation (4) in equation (5), we hve

Thus, the toltal height of the the housse is,

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