A wire, in the shape of an equilateral triangle,encloses an area 'A' cm2 .  if the same wire is bent to form circle then the area of the circle will be:

(A) a2 /22/7  (B) 2A2 /22/7  (C) 3A/22/7  (D)  3Aroot3/22/7

Dear Student!

Here is the answer to your query.


Let the side of the equilateral triangle be a.

we know that area of equilateral triangle


Now as the equilateral triangle is bent to form a circle of radius r (say).

⇒ Circumference of circle =  perimeter of triangle

⇒ 2πr = 3a


Now area of circle = πr2



  • 15

the correct answer is D)....

  • -4

how ??? ...

  • -7


  • -6
What are you looking for?