A wooden cube is painted Blue on all the four adjoining sides and Green on two opposite sides i.e. top and bottom. It is then cut at equal distances at right angles four time vertically (top to bottom) and two times horizontally (along the sides) as shown in the adjoining figure, where the dotted lines represent the cuts made. Study the diagram and answer the following questions.

1. How many cubes will have one face painted only in Blue?
(a) 1                  (b) 2                   (c) 3                  (d) 4             (e) 5

2. How many cubes will have one face painted only in Green?
(a) 1                  (b) 2                   (c) 3                  (d) 4             (5)

3. How many cubes are formed in all?
(a) 16                  (b) 24                   (c) 27                  (d) 32               (e) 48

the third answer is c
  • -5
  • 5
  • Answer is d.
  • 3
  • 2
Where is the answer.bloody ..........
  • -3
2 3 3
  • 2
  • 3
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