ABC is a triangle right angled at A. If the length of the hypotenuse is 2√2 times the length of the perpendicular from A on the hypotenuse ,then find angles B and C of the triangle.

Answer :

We form our diagram from given information , As  :

Given  : The length of the hypotenuse is 2 2 times the length of the perpendicular from A on the hypotenuse .
Let AD  =  x  , Then 

BC  =  2 2x

We know Sin θ = OppositeHypotenuse , Cos θ = AdjacentHypotenuse , So

In  ABCCos B = ABBC = AB22x Cos B  = AB22x                                      --- ( 1 )In  ABDSin B = ADAB  Sin B  = xAB                                          --- ( 2 )Multiply equation 1 and 2 , and get Sin B Cos B = AB22x × xABSin B Cos B = 122  2 Sin B Cos B = 12   Sin 2B  = 12   Sin 2B  = Sin 45°  2B  =  45° B  =  45° 2B  =  22.5° We know,  A  + B +  C = 180° A  + 22.5°+ 90° = 180° A   = 67.5°So,  A   = 67.5° and  B   = 22.5°                         ( Ans )

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