ABCD is a parallelogram. The position vector of the points A,B and C are respectively, 4i + 5j -10k , 2i-3j+4k and -i+2j+k. Find the vector equation of the line BD. Also reduce it to cartesian form.

A=(4,5,-10); B=(2,-3,4), C=(-1,2,1), Let D=(x,y,z)
In a parallelogram diagonals bisect each other.
So, mid point of AC = mid point of BD
4-12,5+22,-10+12=2+x2,-3+y2,4+z2;32,72,-92=2+x2,-3+y2,4+z2;2+x=3; -3+y=7; 4+z=-9;x=1; y=10; z= -13;
Now B=(2,-3,4)=(x1,y1,z1) and D= (1,10,-13)=(x2,y2,z2)
Dr's of BD = (x2,x1, y2-y1, z2-z1)=(-1, 13,-17)

Equation of BD in vector form is,
(x1,y1,z1)+t(a,b,c)=(2,-3,4)+t(-1, 13,-17)

Its cartesian form would be,

  • 11

position vector of D is not given ?

  • -5

draw the diagonals and then find the mid-point with the help of AC. mark it as O. this is midpoint of Bd as the drs of BD are same as drs of BO..which means both will have same vetor you have point B and O so you can find the vector equation :)

  • 1
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