ABCD is a square of the side 2a. Find the co ordiantes of the vertices of the square. 
i) Taking AB and AD as axes.
ii) Taking the centre of the square as origin and axes parallel to the sides AB and AD.

(1)A coincides with the origin and AB and AD are along OX and OY respectively.

So, A=(0,0), B=(2a,0), C=(2a,2a) and D=(0,2a)

(2) the center of the square is at the origin and coordinates axes are parallel to the sides AB and AD respectively.

A is in 3rd quadrant; So A=(-a,-a)

B is in 4th quadrant; So B= (a, -a)

C is in 2nd quadrant; So C= (-a, a)

D is in 4th quadrant; So D= (a, a)


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