Ac and AD are tangents at C and D respectively. If angle BCD =44 degree, find angle CAD, angle ADC, angle CBD, and angle ACD.

In circle with center as B. Tangents drawn AC and AD,

Join CD.

To find angle(CAD, ADC, CBD, ACD)

In triangle CBD

angle BCD = angle BDC = 440                 (BC = BD radii of the circle)


angle BCD + angle BCD + angle CBD = 1800

angle CBD = 1800 - 880 = 920

we know that radius is perpendicular to tangent at the point of contact and tangents drawn from point outside the circle are equal.Then,

AC = AD and

angle ACD = angle ADC = 900 - 440 = 460

In triangle

angle ADC + angle ACD + angle CAD = 1800

angle CAD = 1800  - 920

angle CAD = 880


angle CAD = 880

angle ADC = 460

angle CBD = 920

angle ACD =  460

  • 10
Kindly check whether your answer is right or wrong. I think the angle CBD is 46.. Thank you
  • 2
AC and BD are tangent to a circle at C and D respectively if angle BCD is equal to 44 degree then find angle C A D angle ACD angle CBD and angle ACD
  • -2
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