Adjustments f) investments are to be reduced by 1200 g) insurance prepaid rs 100 h) the NSPR is 5:3:2(adjustments of capital to be made in cash) ... Other adjusments (i.e a to e) are in the image ......please help urgently required thanks a lottt..

Adjustments f) investments are to be reduced by 1200 g) insurance prepaid rs 100 h) the NSPR is 5:3:2(adjustments of capital to be made in cash) ... Other adjusments (i.e a to e) are in the image ......please help urgently required thanks a lottt.. 27. Anagha and are partners ratio of 32. Their Balance sheet as on 31/0312014 as Balance sheet as on 31/03/2014 Liabilities Creditors Ba -Overdiåit Capitals Anagha Arachana ÄhRkRs) 23,000 8,006 69,000 7,000 Assets Hand Debtovs 16.000 Less. PBD 2.000 Motor Vehicle Investments Premises Stock Plant and Machinery Total 14 20 -ooo 45,000 24.000 Profit arid Loss Accounts Total On 1/4/2014 they admitted Arpitha into the partnership. on the following terms: a) She brings Rs 20,000 as capital the capitals of Anagha and Archana are to be adjusted accordingly in their NPSR. b) She brings Rs 12,000 as goodwill and half of the goodwill is withdrawn by the old partners. c) PBD is to be reduced by 900. d) Premises are to be valued at Rs 29,000 e) Machinery and motor vehicle are to be depreciated by 10%.

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