Akshay a poor boy -finds a purse containing five hundred dollars -owner's address on the purse-returns it to the owner- owner pleased- gives him a job in his office.

Q:-Write a story containing a moral and title of the outline given.(hint:- write about the lifestyle of the officer and the begger and then write the incident)

Such questions need to be attempted on your own to test your creative writing skills. However, these points might help you elaborate:
Title: Honesty is the best policy!
- Akshay was an orphan and had had to work to earn his living.
- He had worked as a domestic servant, an errand boy at a tea stall, a sweeper at th mall.
- Once he fell very ill and could not report to work.
- He lost his job and had to beg to get enough money to buy a meal.
- Feeling self-conscious and ashamed of himself, he put out a hand to ask for money from passers-by in a street.
- A high official passed him by and shoved his hand out of the way, cursing under his breath and abusing him.
- As the officer turned the corner, Akshay saw he had dropped his purse on the pavement.
- He ran behind the officer to hand him over his purse.
- The officer was taken aback when he checked the purse: Akshay had begged him for money but had not touched the five hundred dollars inside the purse.
- The officer was touched with Akshay's story and so impressed with his honesty that he offered him a job.

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