Aleeka is now 12 years old and Ravina is 24 years old. How many years ago was Aleeka three times as old as Ravina?

Please solve it with steps..

Dear Student!


@abhinav : Good Work! Keep it up & Keep Posting!



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Thanks for your help!!! :)

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 Aleeka's present age is 12

Ravina'  " """"""""""""""" is 24


12  - x

24 - x

(24 - x) = 3(12 - x)

24 -x = 36 - 3x

36 - 24 = - x + 3x

12 = 2x

x = 6

Se your question should be How many years ago Ravina was three times as old as as Aleeka because if we solve in the question is comes to be comes to be 30 years and that would go to negative.


Best of Luck

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