aleeka is now 12 years old and ravina is 24 years old. how many years ago was aleeka three times as old as ravina?

If the question is “Aleeka is now 12 years old and Ravina is 24 years old. How many years ago was Ravina three times as old as Aleeka?”, then the answer is given below.
Let us suppose that; x years ago, Ravina was three times as old as Aleeka.
x years ago, Ravina’s age was (24 – x) years and Aleeka’s was (12 – x) years.
By the given condition,
(24 – x) = 3(12 – x)
 24 – x = 36 – 3x
2x = 12
x = 6
Thus, 6 years ago, Ravina was three times as old as Aleeka..
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