all bryophytes are characterized by what means if u have a mcq and options are 
a)formation of two types of meiospores
​b)foliose gametophyte
c)protonema formation
d)haplo-diplontic life cycle 
(plz give a reason)?


Please find below the solution to the asked query

The correct option is d).

All bryophytes are characterised by haplo-diplontic life cycle because both gametophyte and sporophyte are free-living and multicellular, but have different dominant phases. The haploid gametophyte is dominant, independent and photosynthetic. It alternates with short-lived multicellular sporophyte totally or partially dependent on gametophyte for nutrition and anchorage.

Why other options are wrong.
  1. Bryophytes are homosporous i.e single species produces same types of meiospores.
  2. Bryophytes have thalloid or foliose gametophyte.
  3. Protonema is formed by all mosses and some liverwrots but not by hornworts.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the bryophytes.

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protonema formation
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