All machines are not capital goods .comment ?

Dear Student
This statement is correct as all machines are not used to produce goods some are used by individuals at their home to ease their work.  Example : Case1 where a sewing machine is used by a tailor at his shop and in Case2 the person is using sewing machine at home. In case1 the person is using sewing machine to produce final goods so it is a capital good but in case 2 the person is doing it for himself so in case2 the machine will not be called as a capital good as it is used  at home for ease of work and no final good is produced in this case.

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this satement is correct cause all machines are not only used to produce goods some are use by indivisuals at their home to ease their work. lets see this with an example : case 1 a sewing machine used by a tailor at tailor shop case 2 person using sewing machine at home. in case 1 a person is using sewing machine to produce goods for others but in case 2 the person is doing it for himself so in case 1 the machine will be an capital for him but not a capital for the one who use it at home for ease of work.
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The nature of a commodity or goods (final goods, intermediate goods, producers goods or capital goods) depends upon its final consumption...
#If a machine is used by a household for self consumption or investment then it will be a final goods...#if the same machine is purchased for resale or further production then it will be an intermediate goods and #if it is purchased by a producer for production purpose then it will be a producers goods
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