All players of a team want to play whole-heartedly.To win the game is their only objective.But their captain does not tell them timely what each one of them is to do.On account of the deficiency of division of work,victory often slips out of the hands of the team.
The captain of another team divides the work properly at the right time.The work is handed over to all the members of team in accordance with each individuals interest and calibre.But the majority of the team members want to see the captain losing the game.Defeat of such a team is almost definite:
(a)Identify both the situations described in the paragraph given above.
(b)Write down the effect of the situations identified in the point 'a'.

a. in first there is lack of division of work while in second there is lack of team spirit 
b. in both the cases the will not be able to achieve their targets of winning match and there will be conflicts amongst them 
  • 20
In the first case there is cooperation but not coordination.... means the captain doesn't distribute the working I.e.there is no deliberate effort therefore there is no coordination ... but the players want to win the game therefore there is cooperation because there is will. But in second case there is coordination but not cooperation As the captain divide the work therefore there is deliberate effort to win game ...there is coordination but the players dont want to see captain to win game there is no cooperation .. Thanku 😊😊😊 But
  • 21
  • -6
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