"All three stood still to smile through their hair...washed their terribly transient feet."
(a) Who were the 'three'?
(b) Why did they stand still and smile? Which time it refers to?
(c) Why has the poet referred to the sea?
(d) What do you understand by the phrase 'terribly transient feet'? Name the poetic device used.

a) the poet's mother and her two cousins, Betty and Dolly.
b) they stood still and smiled as the mother's uncle was taking their photograph. This photograph was taken about 20-30 years ago.
c) the sea is immortal. It symbolises eternity and permanance. It hasn't changed at all. Whereas, Human life is completely opposite and people undergo changes.
c) the poetic device used here is transferred epithet. Here, feet represents human life and  it represents the temporary nature of human life when compared to the permanence of the sea.
  • 30
B) its the time when the mother was 12 years old.
  • -8
All three stood still to smile through their hair which figure of speech is
  • 2
Why were they standing still
  • 2
who has a sweet face
  • 0
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