Aman wants to replace the * in the number 65 * 34 with a digit so that the resulting number is divisible by 4. Which of the following is true?
A. He can replace it with any digit, the resulting number will be divisible by 4 anyway.
B. He should replace it with 4 only.
C. He should replace it with either 2 or 4.
D. No matter what digit he chooses, the resulting number can never be divisible by 4.

Answer :

We know from divisibility rule for 4 , If last two digits of any number divisible by " 4 " , then the whole number is also divisible by 4  .

Here we have our number 65x34 , So last two digits  =  34


34 is not divisible by 4 ,


No matter what digit he chooses, the resulting number can never be divisible by 4

Option ( D )                                                                 (  Ans )

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