An ac source of voltage V=Vm.sinwt is connected one by one, to three circuit elements X,Y and is observed that the currebt flowing through them,(a) is in.phase.with the applied.voltage for element X,(b) lags the applied voltage in phase by 180/2 for element Y,(c) leads the applied voltage in phase by 180/2 for element Z.identify the three circuit elements

Dear student,

If current and voltage both are in same phase then in this case element will be Resistor.
If the current flowing through element is lagging by 90 degree by applied voltage then element will be inductor.
If the current will lead by 90 from applied voltage then circuit will be capacitance and element will be capacitor.
so, on the basis of this    
​​​​​X= Resistor
Y= Inductor
Z= Capacitor

In this way we can prove it 
Best Regard
Meritnation Team

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x is R resistor 
y is L inductor
z is C capacitor 
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