An adult and ayoung boy , standing on the ground are one metre apart..The height of adult is 2 times the height of young boy.If at the mid-point of the line joining their feet,the angular elevation of their tops are complementary,then find the height of the young boy...


Let AB be the adult and CD be the young boy.

Then BD = 1m = 100 cm.


Let E be the mid point of line joining there feet.

Then ∠AEB and ∠CED are angles of elevation of their tops 

Let ∠AEB = θ


Given: ∠AEB + ∠CED = 90°

⇒ ∠CED = 90° – θ


Let CD = x then AB = 2 CD = 2x 



Now in ∆ ABE


In ∆ CDE


Multiplying (1) and (2), we get


Hence the height of the young boy is

  • 20


  • -10
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