An Old Woman's Will
Once there lived an old woman. She lived with her three daughters. She was quite rich and had 19 camels. One day she fell ill. The daughters called the doctor. The doctor tried his best but could not save the woman. After her death, the daughters read what she had written in her will.
My eldest daughter will get 1 2 of my camels
My second daughter will get 1 4 of my camels
My third daughter will get 1 5 of my camels
The daughters were really puzzled. "How can I get 1 2 of the 19 camels?" asked the eldest daughter.
"Half of 19 is nine and a half. But we can't cut the camel!" The second daughter said.
"That is right. But what will we do now?" asked the third daughter".
Just then they saw their aunt coming. The daughters told her their problem.
"Show me the will. I have an idea. You take my camel. So you have 20 camels. Now can you divide them as your mother wanted?" the aunt said.
"You want half of the camels, don't you? Take 10 camels" she said to the eldest daughter.
"Take your share", the aunt told the second daughter. She took one-fourth of the camels and got _________ camels.
"You can take one-fifth of the camels", the aunt told the third daughter. She got ________ camels. The daughters were very happy and counted their camels 10+____+____=19.
"The one remaining is mine", said the aunt and took her camel away!


• How did this happen? Discuss.

Total number of camels = 20
Number of camels given to first daughter = 20 ÷ 2
                                                                    = 10
Thus, first daughter got 10 camels in her share.

Number of camels given to second daughter = 20 ÷ 4
                                                                        = 5
Thus, second daughter got 5 camels in her share.

Number of camels given to third daughter = 20 ÷ 5
                                                                     = 4
Thus, third daughter got 4 camels in her share.

10 + 5 + 4 = 19
When the daughters counted their camels, they found that there were in total 19 camels to be divided among them in total.

The division of 19 camels among 3 daughters in the given fractions was possible only when the aunt included her camel.

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