'an organic compound 'A' with molecular formula C2H6O gives compound 'B' on oxidation with alkaline KMNO4. 'A' on heating with conc. H2SO4 gives 'C', which on reaction with phos[horic acid and water gives back 'A'.compound 'C' gives addition reation with BR2 and H2.identify 'A','B',C' and write the chamical reaction involved.

Here, A- C2H5OH (ethanol)
         B- CH​3COOH (ethanoic acid)
         C- C2H(ethene)
1. C2H5OH + 2(O) = CH3COOH + H2O ( in the presence of KMO4 )
2. C2H5OH = C2H4 + H2O ( in the presence of H2SO4)
3. C2H4 +H2O = C2H5OH ( in the presence of phosphoric acid)

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B=ethanoic acid.
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Compound A (C2H6O) is actually ethyl alcohol/ethanol (CH3CH2OH)
CH3CH2OH  +KMnO4 ------>  CH3COOH
Compound B is ​CH3COOH, i.e., acetic acid.
when ​CH3CH2OH is heated with conc. H2SOgives ethene (C2H4) and water
 CH3CH2OH --------- conc. H2SO4-----------> C2H4 + H2O
Thus compound C  is ​ethene (C2H4

Hope this helps. Plss give thumbs up. Cheers :D
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compound A- ethanol(C2H5OH), compound B- ethanoic acid(CH3COOH), compound C- ethene(C2H4).

the reactions are as follows:
1. C2H5OH(A) + alkaline KMNO4(catalyst) = CH3COOH(B)
2. C2H5OH(A) + conc.H2SO4(catalyst) = C2H4(C)
3. C2H4(C) + H2O + H3PO4(catalyst) = C2H5OH(A)
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