"..And a thousand recollections weave their air-threads into woof" How has memories been personified here? What is air-thread? (Beehive,class 9)

Dear student,

The poem 'Rain on the Roof' presents the memories aroused in the poet’s mind by the showers falling on the tin roof. Using metaphors, the poet shows that the drops of rain falling on the roof send a train of thoughts running in his mind. Many of his pleasant memories intertwine to make him recollect happy events.

Memories are being personified when the poet says that the old memories (work like weavers) weave the air -threads into pattering sounds. In his bed the poet is listening to the pattering sound of the rain on the roof.

By air threads the poet means his fantasies and many memories that he remembers which form a beautiful picture. 


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'air threads' means his dreams and fantasies he has always had.

a thousand recollections means he has a lot of these 'air threads' or dreams.

So he means that on every drop of rain he remembers the old days when he used to hear these rain drops .

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