Animal cell is different from plant cell due to presence of
a) Centrosome
b) Vacuole
c) Plastids
d) Golgi bodies

Dear Student,
  • Centrosomes are small naked organelles present near the nucleus of the cells of animals. Functions of centrosomes are:

1. It is involved in the division of the cells. They form the astral spindle poles.

2. They produce basal bodies that form cilia and flagella.

  • Vacuoles are present in both animal and plants cells. The functions of vacuoles are as follows,

They help in the removal of unwanted structural debris.
They store all the waste products of cells.
They maintain the turgor pressure within cells. 
In Amoeba, food vacuoles store food.

Plastids are characteristics features of plants only and responsible for pigmentation

Golgi bodies are found in both types of cells having packing and sorting functions.

Thus, animal cell is different from plants cells due to the presence of a) Centrosome. 

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