Ans full exercise 3 plz

Ans full exercise 3 plz provided. - the ' you able u•cu in clause.

1) In case she comes here again, tell her the truth.

2) Unless you start working now, you will not be able to finish your project well in time

3) In case she refuses to cooperate with us, we have no other alternative but to leave everything on the mercy of God.

4) He is ready to sell the house provided he gets a good price for it.

5) In case I am in town, I will definitely attend your birthday party.

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1) In case she comes here tell her the truth.

2) Unless you start working now, you will not be able to finish your project well in time

3) In case she refuses to cooperate with us we have no ..

4) He is ready to sell the house provided he gets a good price for it.

5) In case I am in town I will definitely attend...
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