Answer all these questions. These are from the poem "the tiger in the zoo"

What does the tiger do in the cage?
 He slowly walks around with his vivid stripes in the small cage. His strength is put behind bars. He ignores visitors. At night he hears the noise of patrolling cars and stares at the brilliant stars with his brilliant eyes. The words 'quiet rage' shows the suppressed anger of the tiger when he is put inside the cage.

Where is the tiger?
The tiger is kept inside a cage in a zoo.

Where does the poet think the tiger should be?
The poet thinks the tiger should be in the forest lurking through grass, hunting plump deer and terrorising the nearby village with his fangs and claws.

What can the tiger do in the jungle?
The tiger would be lurking and sliding through long grass near the water hole so that it can hunt a plump deer when it passes. The tiger can snarl around houses and terrorise the nearby village with the help of his claws and fangs.

How does the tiger terrorise the village?
The tiger would terrorise the village by snarling around houses. It will terrorise the village with the help of its fangs and claws.

What does the tiger do when visitors come to the zoo?
The tiger ignores the visitors who have come to that zoo.

Why would the tiger go to the water hole?
The tiger would go to the water hole so that it can hunt plump deers.

How does the tiger spend its time at night?
​​​​​​​The tiger hears the sound of patrolling cars at night. It stares at the brilliant stars with its brilliant eyes.

What sounds does the tiger hear at night?
The tiger hears the sound of patrolling cars at night.

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