Answer of the 4th question please..

Answer of the 4th question please.. some logical reason for it. Situation: She cannot find her laptop. a. Someone (steal) it. at work. c. She (lend) it to a friend and forgotten as usual. Situation: She is shouting at the top of her voice. a. She . — (be) urgently in need of help. Situation: He wants to go home early today. put the modal verb in its correct form with the verb given in the brackets to draw conclusions. Situation: His room is in a mess. b. She (leave) it behind _ (be) angry. b She (be) scared. c. She „ ... . He (inform) the boss. b. He . c. There . (be) busy. (be) careless. . (be) b. . (be) unwell. (have) some urgent work.

Dear Student, 

Situation: His room is in a mess.
a) He must have been busy.
b) He must have been careless.
c) There should be some logical reason for it.

Situation: She cannot find her laptop. 
a) Someone could have stolen it.
b) She could have left it behind at work.
c) she must have lent it to a friend and forgotten as usual. 

Situation: She is shouting at the top of her voice.
a) She must be angry.
b) She must be scared.
c) She could be urgently in need of help.

Situation: He wants to go home early today.
a) He may be unwell.
b) He must have informed the boss.
c) He must have some urgent work. 


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