answer Q no. 4

answer Q no. 4 affecting demand• 24. Denne demand. Name the factors Individual's demand and market 25. Distinguish betw een gm..d by an individual. (6 Marks) briefly any three factors which lead to decrease in demand. tiate between : (i) Normal good and inferior good and 2. (CBSE OD •C, (CBSE OD 2m Complementary goods and substitute goods. Give examples. with the help of diagram the effect of the following changes on the demand of a commodity : (t) A fall in the price of substitute gcx'd. A favourable change in the taste Of buyer. _V-Éplain with the help of diagrams the effect of the following changes on the demand of commodity. (O A in tlr price of complementary god (CBSE D 20070 A rise in the price of substitute good. 3. with the help of diagrams the effect of the following changes on the demand Of commodity : (O Fan in price of related good. (iO Rise in income of the consumer. (CBSE OD three causes each for a rightward shift and a leftward shift of a demand curve. (CBSE D or Explain any three causes of a leftward shift of demand curve of a commodity. (CBSE D 2M9 ; OD State•the causes an increase in demand. Explain any two of them. Explain of the following on the demand of a good. (O Qange in the income of the consumer. Change in the price of the related gMds. (CBSE OD (CBSE D 2013, OD 2006C, 20) between 'change in demand' and change in quantity demanded.

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