answer question number 48 explain in detail how answer is option 2

Dear Student

Correct option is (3)

In F2 generation of dihybrid cross, 16 hybrids are formed in which only 2 are homozygous for dominant and recessive character. The genotypic ratio for homozygous and heterozygous sets of gene is 2 : 14.  It is 1/8 of the 16 hybrids.

Find the details below:

If two pairs of contrasting characters are involved, then the cross is termed as dihybrid cross

Inheritance of Two Genes (Dihybrid Cross)

  • In dihybrid cross, we consider two characters. (e.g., seed colour and seed shape)

  • Yellow colour and round shape is dominant over green colour and wrinkled shape.

Phenotypic ratio 9:3:3:1

Round yellow 9

Round green 3

Wrinkled yellow 3

Wrinkled green 1


  • 0
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