Answer the following questions regarding element15 31X : (i) What is its electronic configuration? (ii) To which group does it belong? (iii) To which period does it belong? (iv) How many electrons are there in its valence shell? (v) What is its valency? (vi) Is it a metal or a nonmetal? (vii) What is the formula of its compound with sodium?

i)its  electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3por 2,8,5  

ii)its group is V-B or group 15

iii)it belongs from 3rd period

iv)5 electons are their in its valence shell

v)its valancy is 3

vi)its a nonmetal

vii)the formula of the compound with sodium will be Na3X

  • 0
I think something wrong in element, I mean have a look that whether you have type the correct element or not..
  • 3
Did you mean it phosphorus?
  • 0
yes its phosphorus
  • -1
What are you looking for?