1. What are the carriers of factor?
  2. ‘The use and disuse of an organ by an organism leads to acquiring ‘variation’ in the features of that organ’ was proposed by
  3. Variations that result from factors such as climate, food supply and actions of other organisms are called as
  4. Statement A : genetic recombination is one of the source of variation , Statement B : Natural selection may lead to the evolution of a new group(which is correct)

1. The carriers of factors are genes which have chromosomes and transfer heredity information from one generation to another.
2.Lamarck proposed that by selective use or disuse of organs, organisms acquired or lost certain traits during their lifetime.
3.Variations that result from factors such as climate, food supply and actions of other organisms are called as Environmental variations.
4.Natural selection is just  the explanation for *why species change*. (i.e. evolve ... which just means "change over time.") Thus, statement A is correct one.

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