Answer the last question

Answer the last question (e) Quartile Deviation Numerical Questions QI. The daily wages of ten workers are given below. Find out range and its NO. Of Workers : A B C D E 175 50 50 55 100 90 125 145 70 60 Wages in R) (Range 125; Coefficient of Range 0551 Q.2. Following are the marks obtained by students in Sec. A and Sec. B. Compare the marks of students in two sections. Marks A) Marks (Sect ion B) 25 28 36 45 42 15 28 range 30 25 [Section A: Range = 30, Coefficient Of Range 0.5 Section B: Range = 27, Coefficient of Range z 03511 Find range and coefficient of range Of the following: (a) Per day earning of seven agricultural labourers in e: 72, 52, (b) Mean temperature deviation from normal (2002). 72 June +3.3 July +24 Aug *3.1 Sep -1.5 NOV. -1.9 I(a) Range — 50, Coeff. of Range 042 (b) Range z +9.4, Coeff. of Range = — 33 14. Calculate range and coefficient of range for the following data: Income R) 50 70 80 90 100 120 130 150 No. of Workers 12 (Range = Coefficient of Range 0.51

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