Answer the question number 11 all by an expert which i easely understand

Answer the question number 11 all by an expert which i easely understand (3) (a) Explain why Grignard reagents Should be prepared under 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. anhydrous condition. (b) Complete die reaction: CH3CH2CH20H+SOCt2 ? 1 1 (a) Give me chemical test to distinguish between the following Pentan-2-one and Pentan-3-one (b) Identi$' A and B: Conc. NaOH (a) f)llowing: 1 1 "Sleeping pills are recommended to patient suffering from sleeplessness but it is not advisable to take them without consulting the doctor." (b) Name one substance that can act both as analgesic as well as antipyretic. 1 (a) What is semiconductor? Mention the two main types of semiconductor. (b) Gold metal crystallizes in a face-centred cubic unit cell(fcc). Determine the density of gold. 2 (Atomic mass of gold = 199 u, Atomic Radius = O. 144mm) For the reaction: •4 N02 + 02 the following results have been obtained: Sl.No. 2. 3. (N20s)m01L4 1.13 0.84 x 10-2 0.62 x Rate of disappearance of N O molL-1 min-l (a) Calculate order of the reaction. (b) Write rate law. 34 x 10-5 25 x 10-5 18 x 10-6 3 P.T,O.

Dear student

a)Most drugs when taken in doses higher than recommended may cause harmful effects and sometimes, may even lead to death. Hence, a doctor should always be consulted before taking any medicine.

b)Aspirin (Acetyl salicylic acid) is a chemical substance which lowers body temperature and reduces pain as well. Therefore it acts both as analgesic and antipyretic.


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