Answer the question

Answer the question Paragraph For Questions 21 to 22. An unknown substance (P) shows optical activity. This optical activity disappears on tr en (P) Wth acidified KMnOa (which produces Q), or with heated copper (whlch produces R). (P) produces silver mirror with Tollen's reagent, thereby producing (S) is chiral. Based on this information, answer the followng questions . (P) may be- 21. 22. OH OH OH Number Of stereoisomers possible for (P) is — OH

Dear Student, 

Answer 21

Correct option is B)

Reason: P on treatment with acidified KMnO4 will convert both -OH and -CHO to -COOH (Q)
P on treatment with hot copper will convert -OH to -CHO (R)
Both Q and R will be optically inactive.
As only this compound gives positive Tollen's reagent test. So, it must have aldehyde.
This aldehyde would be converted to acid in S and will be optically active.

Answer 22)
As there is one chiral carbon in P.
So, number of stereoisomers will be 2.
Option A is correct.


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