Answer these questions:
1. Why had life become tough for the women of Ekuvukeni, in Natal, South Africa ?
2. What were the dreadful effects of the problem on the people who lived there ?
3. Why did this situation arise in this village ?
4. What were the challenges the woman faced as she went to bring water for her people ?

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Which question mention clearly
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I study in MR public school
  • -1
I read in MR public school
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please tell the chapter and also give the link. I might be able to help you then
  • -2
1. The life had become tough for the women of Ekuvukeni , in Natal , South Africa because there is no water in their village . The women has to go to faraway places to bring water .
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first answer is life had become due to their being number water in the village the women had to go to faraway places in search of water
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Why had life become tough for the women of ekuvukeni in natal, south africa
  • -1
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