Answer thisin 50-60 words. A grinding wheel of mass 5.0 kg and diameter 0.4m is rotating with an angular speed of 2
rev s-1. Calculate the torque which will increase its angular speed to 8 revolution per
second in 2s.

Dear Student
Mass of grinding wheel , m=5 kg
diameter of grinding wheel= 0.4 m
initial angular velocity, w1= 2 rev/sec
final angular velocity,w2=8 rev/sec
time interval from initial to final velocity,t= 2 secs

torque= rotational inertia x angular acceleration

τ =Iαα =Angual acceleration =ω2-ω1t =8-22 = 3 rev/s2I=12mr2 =12×5×0.2×0.2=0.1 Kgm2τ =Iα = 3×0.1 = 0.3 N.m



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