Answer to this photo

Answer to this photo actual Description L During summer vacation you went to your Friend's village his/her grandmother her grandchild describe her in 100-150 words 2. You recently participated in robot making event in your school participation•fromas city took part in the event. Write about the event in 100-150 words describing how who was awarded the best prize Write a factual description of Taj Mahal by pasting a picture of it.

Syed rehan ali

  • -12
Last summer vacation you went to your friend village his grandmother look after you as you were her grandchild write a descriptive paragraph on this
  • -7
  • -5
Last summer vacation you went to your friend’s village. His grandmother looked after you as if you were her grandchild
  • -3
Last summer vacation you went to your friends village .His grandmother look after you as if you were her grandchild. describe her in 100 to 150 words
  • 1
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