Answers pls.urgent

Answers pls.urgent 14 Mr and mvself to a film. Any (hildren ready 'o participate in the amme Our players were better prepared than that oi The money has been stolen by who entered the w'w•n we were away. Now, read these wmences Each of us must conyibu'c generously. Either you cart take down the notes. • Neither of them a Itended the ceremony, Either of the two students may be sent to competition. NeitFrr of the coats is suitable for the either and n a time. Pronouns th Dist+ Eithet thine One at

Dear Student,
Given below is the answer to your question.

4. It was he who should have protested.
5. Ram and I have been chosen to lead the team.
6. What is the purpose of this plan?
7. She and I are to be blamed for this mess.
8. The members of the jury were divided in their opinion.
9. Between you and me, there is no truth in this.
10. One must be careful about what one says.
11. Nobody was there to save the drowning child.
12. My uncle asked my sister and me to accompany him.
13. My aunt and I decided to see the film.
14. None of the children are ready to participate in the programme tomorrow.
15. Our players were better prepared than those from China.
16. The money has been stolen by somebody who entered the room while we were away.

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Thank you.

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