Are there any examples describing combination of physical and chemical change???

Dear Student,

Physical change is something that does not affect the composition or properties of a substance.
Chemical change, on the other hand, affects the composition and changes its properties.
Physical changes examples:
1. Wet Clothes drying when kept open in sun - Water from clothes evaporate into vapour form
2. Freezing of water - Liquid form is converted to solid by lowering the temperature
3. Mixing sugar in water - sugar is water-soluble, dissolves in it

Chemical changes examples:
1. Rusting of iron
2. Making of curd from milk or milk getting soured
3. Baking a cake

Yes, there are several example where both physical and chemical changes. Eg- When a candle burns it is both type of changes i.e. physical and chemical as melting is physical change and burning of candle. 


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