are there any types of verbs ?

Dear student,

Here are explanations to various types of verbs:

  • An auxiliary verb (also know as a helping verb) determines the tense or mood of another verb in a phrase: "It will rain tonight." The primary auxiliaries are be, have, and do. The modal auxiliaries include can, could, may, must, should, will, and would.
    A lexical verb (also known as the main verb) is any verb in English that isn't an auxiliary verb: it conveys a real meaning and doesn't depend on another verb: "It rained all night."

  • A dynamic verb indicates an action, process, or sensation: "I bought a new car."
    A stative verb (such as be, have, know, like, own, and seem) describes a state, situation, or condition: "Now I own Microsoft."

  • A finite verb expresses tense and can occur on its own in a main clause: "She walked to the stadium."
    A nonfinite verb (an infinitive or participle) doesn't show a distinction in tense and can occur on its own only in a dependent phrase or clause: "While walking to the North Pole, she spotted a penguin."

  • A regular verb (also known as a weak verb) forms its past tense and past participle by adding -d or -ed (or in some cases -t) to the base form: "We finished the homework."

    An irregular verb (also known as a strong verb) doesn't form the past tense by adding -d or -ed: "Sheela ate the foil on her candy bar."

  • A transitive verb is followed by a direct object: "She sells strawberries."
    An intransitive verb doesn't take a direct object: "He went there bravely." (This distinction is especially tricky because many verbs have both a transitive and an intransitive function.)


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1) Transitive 


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thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   but i  want   some  more  types.

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  thank  you  miss  iwanted  these  types  only .  these  types  my  teacher  explained  but  i  not  get   it  properly  .

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