Arrange in descending order

1/5 3/7 7/10

1/5 , 3/7 , 7/10


1/5 =14/70

3/7 = 30/70

7/10 = 49/70

Descending order = 49/70 , 30/70 , 14/70.

=7/10 , 3/7 , 1/5.

  • 0

The answer=7/10,3/7,1/5.

The steps to do this is,First to take L.C.M of the denominators,5,7,10.The L.C.M is70.Then to change the denominators.Then after changing,The fractions change as 14/70,30/70 and 49/70.Then we can arrange in decending order,First 49/70,30/70 and 14/70.Then arrange the fractions we have before,7/10,3/7 and 1/5.

Thumbs up please!

  • 1

the answer is 7/103/71/5

  • -2
  • 1
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