Arrange the following solutions in increasing order of their boiling points:
(i) 0.001 m NaCl  (ii) 0.001 m Urea (iii) 0.001 m MgCl2 (iv) 0.01 m NaCl


for a non ionic solute like urea i = 1
for a ionic salt v know i increases with no of ions the salt dissosciates into.
thus i for MgCl2 is more than that of NaCl.
and obviously if the conc is much more than the vant Hoff factor cannot compensate the increase in colligative prop. Here I'm talking about 0.01 m NaCl.
thus increasing order of BP
urea 0.001 m NaCl. 0.001 m MgCl2. and. 0.01 m NaCl.

  • 19
these values are colligative properties..
there value depend on the number of particles present in d solution...
  • -15
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