Arrange the solutes a, b, c and d in decreasing order of amount of solute precipitated when their respective hot saturated solutions are cooled from 100°C to 30°C. Below given table shows the amount of solute in grams dissolved in same amount of water at different temperatures.
  30°C 60°C 100°C
(a) 120 140 160
(b) 130 120 150
(c) 125 130 140
(d) 130 135 140
(1) c b d a                 (2) a c b d              (3) b d c a                 (4) a b c d

Dear student,

The amount of precipitate for the case (a) will be (160-140)  + (140-120) = 40g
The amount of precipitate for the case (b) will be (150-120) + (no precipitate aftert that) = 30g
The amount of precipitate for the case (c) will be (140-130) + (130-125) = 15g
​The amount of precipitate for the case (d) will be (140-135) + (135-130) = 10g

Hence the decreasing order must be 


Hope this helps,

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