article on health care and consequences of sedentary life

 Do your daily activities include sitting around for most of the day, watching television, reading, playing video games or using a computer with little or no vigorous physical exercise? If you answered yes, then you or a person you know might just fit the description of a couch potato. In medical terms this is referred to as a sedentary lifestyle and it consists of a daily regime of irregular or no physical activity. Although, couch potato activities may be fun or require very little effort to do, they can have very negative effects on your health. In fact, a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to many preventable causes of death, obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. In addition to these, current research is now suggesting that inactivity not only makes people more vulnerable to lifestyle related diseases, but it may actually speed up the ageing process itself. 
In contrast, an active lifestyle has been linked to lower risk of premature mortality in general, and of coronary heart disease, hypertension, colon cancer and particularly type 2 diabetes. Physical activity also improves mental health and is important for healthy muscles, bones and joints. Despite of the numerous benefits of physical activity too many people today, including me, do not engage in regular physical exercise. This is because most of us feel like we just lack the time, that work or studies consume so much of our day and night, that we are too exhausted to even walk for a half hour a day. Yes, even exercising for thirty minutes a day would be a step in the right direction because doing any physical activity is better than doing none at all. This is a good first step and the duration of physical activity can be gradually increased over time. However, some people might need that extra boost of energy to allow them to engage in physical activity. This is why eating a healthy diet according to one’s metabolic type and taking dietary supplements such as B vitamins, ginseng or green tea can be beneficial for increasing one’s overall energy level. 
To conclude, living sedentary lifestyle deficient in physical activity can lead to a variety of health conditions, all of which can be prevented with regular physical excercise and healthy eating habits. So whether you are a couch potato or just have a busy lifestyle, try to devote at least thirty minutes a day to exercising. It’s a small price to pay to increase your chances of living a longer and healthier life. 

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Article on the need of the health care and a consequences of sedimentary life

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