Article on preventing cruelty to animals in 150-200 words

Prevention of Animal Cruelty
Animals suffer endlessly at the hands of humans in many situations. Here's a look at how you can help in the prevention of animal cruelty.
An animal is also a living being but how many of us realize this fact! Cruelty towards animals exists in many forms, either intentionally or unintentionally. Prevention of animal cruelty is very much necessary and is the need of today considering insensitivity that is on the rise amongst people. Spiritual people preach God exists in everything and religious lots pray with great fervor to please the Almighty. Yet, a thing that can be noted is that these are very same people who are downright cruel to animals. Isn't it a strange situation? What can be done about this situation? How can each one of us help? Are there any laws that fight for this cause?

How Can We Prevent Animal Cruelty

Communicate and pass the message. Well, the uneducated need to be educated in this matter. If you have witnessed any form of animal cruelty in your neighborhood, you need to approach and talk to the person. You must intervene in this matter. Allowing such a thing to happen, would be a crime in itself.

Work closely with a group that works for the cause of such animals. There are many organizations, which work towards giving a better life to stray animals in particular. Keep a watch in your neighborhood. Report any incidents of animal cruelty.

You can also support such groups by being an active volunteer. The more help that joins, the more would be welcomed! You can collect food and bedding, which would be of use to the organization. Hold meetings or get-togethers to inform and educate people in your neighborhood. Bring about awareness amongst people to prevent animal cruelty.

Prevention would require you to be more alert about things that happen on a daily basis. Animal cruelty happens because of violence on the part of humans, which is known as animal abuse (by being beaten or shot), or even neglect (by being denied basics such as food or shelter). It can also happen animals are used wrongly for human purposes.

There are many countries were animal cruelty laws are exercised and followed with strict adherence to the same. You can always work in coordination with such organizations to help them in prevention of animal cruelty and propagating about animal rights. We can only hope and plan in this manner to provide a better life to these harmless and lovable creatures.
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