article whenever our nation faces some threat or some major calamities happen dont we all stand together with a sense of emotionalto fight against evil forces & unnatural situation?

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:

- In the face of adversity, be it a natural disaster or a threat from an enemy, Indians do stand together.
- The feeling of patriotism does not necessarily entail shouting slogans or proclaiming one's love for one's country, but it does signify uniting against any danger or threat to the country.
- In the face of a natural disaster, people help each other: the floods in Chennai or the drought in Rajasthan saw good Samaritans extending a helping hand to strangers.
- Similarly, the whole country's best wishes are with the defence personnel who are fighting terrorist forces in the north of India these days.
- But, a greater show of unity is required to fight the evil forces of corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, cruel master who exploit child labour or wily officials who use public money for personal gain!

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