Aruna and Radha start their journey from two different places.A and E Aruna chose the path from A to B then to C whill Radha chose the path from E to D then to C. Find who travelled more and by how much

Aruna and Radha start their journey from two different places.A and E Aruna chose the path from A to B then to C whill Radha chose the path from E to D then to C. Find who travelled more and by how much 4. 6. 7. S. 2.4 Expvss ü"llowing in kilograms. (i) 190g Write die follo"ing decimal numixrs in expanded form. (iv) 30.303 (i) 5.55 (V) 1234.56 (i) 3035 Write the place value of 3 in the following decirnal (i) 3.46 (ii) 32.46 (V) 794.037 Aruna and Radha start their journey from two different places. A and E. Aruna chose the path from A to Btlknto C. "mile Radha chose the path from E to D then to C. Find who travelled more and by how much? Upendra went to the market to buy vegetables. He 2 kg 500 gm mNauxs, 750 gm lady fingers and 125 did Upendra cany back to his house? Multiplication of decimal numbers Rajendra ofclass 7 went uith his mother to bazar to vege& kg potatoes at the rate Ofe 8.50 kg. How much nuney do they We come across various situaticvts in day-to-day life wtrre we to Ow decimals. Let us now learn the multiplicatnyl oftwo &ci1Ml nuntrts Let us first multiply- 0.1 0.1 O. I means one part of 10 parts. This is as — 10 and pictorially in Fig. I. —x— which means — of So here *tare 0.1 0.1 . 10 10 10 10 finding the 10th partof — . Thus, we divide — into 10 10 take pan. This is represented by (me square in Figure 2. HOWM So one set squares are there in Figure 2? There are 100 squares. represents one out of 100 or 0.01. So we can conclu& tut

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