Assertion: Liver secretes bile juice that does not contain enzymes but helps in digestion. 
Reason: Bile carries out emulsification of fats and provides alkaline medium for activity of other enzymes.

The answer to this question on MN is given as A that means that Both Ass and Reason are correct and R is the correct explanation of A. If it were so, then it would mean that because bile carries out the emulsification of fats, that's why it does not contain any enzymes. This does not make any sense to me. Please let me know the right answer with an appropriate explanation.

Dear Student
Bile acts as surfactant it contains both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions thus tends to surround around lipids and form micelles. This enhances surface area and facilitates better action of pancreatic lipase. Since, bile juice works to enhance surface area for enzymes to act, hence does not need enzymes and thus reason is correct application for assertion.
Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

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